南台灣沙漠玫瑰4~11月間為開花期,花朵序叢集於頂端,花冠漏斗狀,花型:漏斗狀五瓣 。當繁花錦簇時,每每全無葉片,益增其美感。花色有深紅、桃紅、淡紅、線條乃至白色與紫色....等多項,花蕊隱藏在冠喉中;果實為長尖角狀似(牛角狀)果成對著生,種子多數,有柔毛協助飛行散佈。
[介質】; 適合生長於排水性較佳之砂質土壤中,否則容易引起根部腐爛。
[溫度]:生長適溫20∼35℃。台灣的的氣候環境非常適合栽種沙漠玫瑰,但由於生性較不耐寒,因此冬天成長 遲緩;此外,若寒流來襲使溫度低於攝氏12度,則必須採取禦寒措施,將植株移入室內或溫室中,若長 期處於低溫狀態下,則植株會進入休眠期。為了防止低溫使葉片脫落,可以適量的噴灑微量原素的(鎂) ,增強沙漠玫瑰的抗寒性。
[日照]:沙漠玫瑰性耐旱喜乾燥,需日照或充足光線的成長環境,因此適合種在戶外能充分照射陽光的地方, 若種植於室內容易突長,且植株瘦弱,葉片呈暗綠色,不易開花。
[水份]:春、秋兩季 2∼3天澆一次水,夏天則1∼2天一次,冬季則4∼7天澆一次水,或待表層介質乾燥後再行 澆水亦可,此外的部份時間則保持較乾燥的環境,反而有助於刺激沙漠玫瑰其生長。
[施肥]:請記得肥料三要素(N.P.K)也就是(氮、磷、鉀),[氮]是成長植株的利器,[磷]是使枝條粗壯與成長果 實的功效,[鉀]是促進開花結果。當您瞭解肥料基本的三要素後,就能夠適當的使用與購買肥料,最 後再增添適量的噴灑微量原素的(鎂),可增加花朵的色澤與耐寒性。
[繁植方法]: 播種、扦插及高壓法
[花 期]: 春、夏、秋三季 (4~11月)
[病蟲害]:以粉介殼蟲、芽蟲、紅蜘蛛為主,在正常情況下沙漠玫瑰較不易受到蟲害,但需預防根腐病,發生根腐病 時,應立即切除腐爛部分,並以殺菌劑浸泡消毒(如:億力、大生粉、甲基多保淨….等),陰乾後塗 上切口癒合劑以防止病菌再侵入,並可助切口癒合促進新根成長,種回盆中後每星期再使用殺菌劑澆 2-3次後即可。
[有毒部位]:全株有毒,乳汁毒性較強。 中毒病狀:家畜或幼兒誤食莖葉或乳汁,引起心跳加速、心律不整等心臟疾病。ps. 沙漠玫瑰的汁液其味覺強烈苦澀難當, 不小心接觸者, 不至於會更進一步去嘗試進食.
粉紅色:這種類顏色是最普遍的一種沙漠玫瑰.這是早期台灣沙漠玫瑰基礎顏色. 他的特性是花朵數是少量,開花的時間較短暫,葉片狹長…自從台灣在沙漠玫瑰育種技術 有所突破之後.這粉紅色是極少量產.唯有接獲外銷訂單.才會從事授粉的工作. 白色:在任何類型的澆水,其問題白色花極端易感受物質性污點 特別是某些殺蟲劑和微量元素污染... 如同一般花卉特性到白色沙漠玫瑰某些具有溫和芳香...目前台灣已生產大量較穩定的白色品種, 這些全部缺少任何紅色染色和沒有紅色在咽喉或斑點,種莢新成長是綠色沒有任何紅色或淡色調. 這些無性生殖植物確實是生育改變花的尺寸從小到廣大的, 再由廣大的尺寸延伸到花朵數眾多 與花期延長..... 紅色:台灣這深紅色花.早期是由部份本質地略紅色雜種.再經由許多不同的粉紅色花所推演的一繼承物. 在某些非常好的個體(紅色之美)幾乎呈黑紅色和紅色直到凋謝,現今台灣紅色是最多具黑花瓣邊緣 .由其是在冬季~春季更為明顯,近年來台灣沙漠玫瑰業者.所生產出在市場流通的紅色品種不下百種 之多.這許多紅色花也經由多次親本選擇授粉.目前是呈現穩定的長期開花性質紅花.才能夠在台灣 流行市場佔有一席之地. 紫色:這幾乎全部都是容易感染紅蜘蛛的葉子.令人映象深刻.不到冬季他的葉子.早已掉光光. 無疑地他獨特的顏色可用性台灣這裡.正嘗試某些無性生殖直到找尋出到紅蜘蛛不侵擾葉子. 線條花:這相對地新多樣化是起因於完全在最好雜種它也生產緊密栽種和眾多的花和有魅力葉表格. 目前的線條花是最有發展與突破的空間.......... 迷你品種:緊密與分岐成長是非常尊貴特性為了侏儒沙漠玫瑰. 然而, 某一些沙漠玫瑰無性生殖植物 選擇最初的為了侏儒特性;典型的例子的稱呼, 是一迷你品種.
栽培介質 |
澆水方法 |
施肥重點 |
換盆時機 |
播種經驗 |
傳統沙漠玫瑰栽培方式 |
優點 |
缺點 |
新式沙漠玫瑰栽培方法 |
缺點 |
https://www.adenium.com.tw/ 2024 Adenium Mixed Hybrid Seeds.htm
We are a professional team of planting Adeniums, producing high-quality seeds & developing new varieties and hybrids in Taiwan.
About Seeds: Picture of Sowing Experiences
I use artificial pollination, so it has low possibility (20%-30%) to grow into pink adenium. Most of them have characters of their parents. The Single-petal with red, white and white with red border are more stable. Although seed is not guaranteed to look exactly like their parents, some will look exactly like their parents, while others may have only certain characteristics in common with their parents. This is the reason that new varieties are created. It also needs time and luck to produce the new varietiess which are better than their parents.
2024 The Successful Artificial Pollination....
It reaches 85% for pink seeds to bear pink flowers.
2.White: It reaches 95% for white seeds to bear white flowers.
3.Red: It reaches 95% for red flowers seeds to bear red flowers.
4.Stripe Lined: It reaches 70% for stripe-lined seeds to bear striped-lined
5.Dark Purple: It reaches 10% for dark purple seeds to bear dark purple flowers.
6.Light Purple: It reaches 30% for light purple seeds to bear light purple flowers.
7.Peach: It reaches 70% for peach seeds to bear peach flowers
8.Red Lining Adenium with Five Petals: It reaches 20% for red lining Adenium
with five petals flowers seeds to bear red lining adenium with five petals flowers.
9.Yellow: It reaches 20% for yellow seeds to bear yellow flowers
10.White petal with red curving: It reaches 95% for white
petal with red curving seeds to bear white petal with red curving.
11.White Arabicum: It's very a rare variety. According to our experiences, the
offsprings of Arabicum only have about thousandth of percentage could grow into
the purely white Arabicum. Most of it might be grow into pink color or some
of them they might grow into white with red edge or red. We’ve tried many ways
to improve this issue and hope it’ll successful blooming the pure white flower
12. Variegated Leaves White: Basically, variegated leaves is mutant varieties.
So far we still can not make sure how many percentage chance that it will grow
into exactly like Variegated Leaves. We've been working on developed the better
offspring of Variegated Leaves for a long time, but it still need luck to make
it grow exactly like its mother plant. So before you order the Variegated Leaves
please make sure that you have read this information.
13. New Double and triple layer Adenium: It reaches 25~50%
for Double and triple layer seeds to bear Double and triple layer flowers.
That's why some customers said the result is like playing the lottery, it still needs luck to make it look similar to its mother plant or more excellent than the mother plant.
seeds are dry and in complete dormancy to prevent from wetness in transit in
case they are ruined by mildew.
When the customers receive the seeds, we suggest them
must soak seeds in the water for 2-4 hours before sowing in order to increase
the germination rate.
After sowing, keep the soil wet for 10 days until the sprouts appear.
Please take care of the temperature, which will affect the germination rate
directly. The suitable temperature is between 22-35 Celsius
Before you prepare sowing, you may notice the forecast
of the weather within sowing, if the following 7days will be rainy and cloudy,
it will affect the germination rate.
So please make sure that it would be better that the weather should be sunny
continuously within sowing.
Here are the recommend links of planting instructions
for your reference.
Here is our video link
of sowing experience for your reference,
Here is the link of another sowing way that one of our customer shared her sowing on forum,
you have any questions during planting Adeniums, please don't hesitate to contact
Thanks again and have a wonderful day.
Happy Sowing.
refer to our below explanation of how to use fertilizer is based on temperature
condition between 22-35 Celsius degree.
Under this temperature condition, we divide plants growth stage into four to
first stage (sowing
to one month old seedlings), pictures
we do not suggest to use any fertilizer in the media at
this period.
because the plants will grow fast at this stage.
During this period, we will use liquid fertilizer and spray once or twice a
Please use high N and low P and K liquid fertilizer, such as N20-P15-K15
and plant in the 1 inch pot tray.
second stage (one
month to two months old seedlings),
we will still suggest to use liquid fertilizer at this
But the N:P:K ratios in fertilizer should be changed to the same level,
such as N20-P20-K20 and spray once or twice a week.
third stage (after
two months old seedlings),
we prepare to transplant seedlings to a bigger pot(3 inch
When transplanting the seedlings,
we will add slow release chemical fertilizer which can maintain for one year
into media and stir with media.
Because the plants will grow much faster at this period and the plants need
more fertilizer to grow strong.
We will use slow release chemical fertilizer which N:P:K ratios is same, for
example N20-P20-K20.
Also, we will spray liquid fertilizer N:P:K ratios in same level to plant leaves
such as N20-P20-K20 once or twice a week,
in order to supplement insufficient part during this fast growing period.
The leaves surface will absorb liquid fertilizer easily.
forth stage (after
four months old seedlings),
during this period, the plants are going to bloom,
if the temperature keep between 22-35 Celsius degree.
We will chang liquid fertilizer N:P:K ratios.
We will use liquid fertilizer which have high P,K and low N or even stopping
such as N8:P15:K15. And still spray once or twice
a week.
your plants have already grown the (after
Six months old seedlings), such
as N 0~10:P 15~30:K 15~30.
and you want to see you plants have flowers often.
please use liquid fertilizer which have more P and K and spray once or twice
a week to your plants' leaves.
The leaves surface will absorb liquid fertilizer easily.
Please avoid to spray liquid fertilizer under strong sunlight.
The best time is to spray in the morning or in afternoon after sunset.
This will help your plants to bloom quickly.
the temperature below 20 Celsius degree, please stop to use the fertilizer.
Because the plant will be dormancy in the cold weather.
When the weather become warm, you can fertilize your plants
選擇健壯植株交配 |
用以交配之母本 |
授粉成功的日期&種子的成熟期 |
貴族 |
圓滿意 |
希望之星 |
超級巨星 |
紫狂 |
紫微星 |
亞洲之星 |
超級網紋 |
焦點 |
香之星 |
沙漠之星 |
超級黃葉 |
皇冠 |
紫百合 |
非凡之星 |
超級紫月 |
貴妃 |
真善美 |
幻象之星 |
超級年代 |
紫狂2 |
楓葉紅 |
天使之星 |
超級紫心 |
紫衣 |
竹葉紅 |
珍珠之星 |
超級旋風 |
千驕 |
千紅線 |
黎明之星 |
超級白金 |
黑松 |
紅樹林 |
彩虹之星 |
超級辣妹 |
吉祥 |
白蓮花 |
海洋之星 |
超級紫水晶 |
千禧 |
變色龍 |
流行之星 |
超級E-mail |
懷玉 |
火麒麟 |
東方之星 |
超級流星雨 |
香帥 |
沙之浴 |
kiss之星 |
超級楓黃葉 |
結果 |
福之星 |
白蓮之星 |
超級變色龍 |
月之星 |
黑森林 |
宇宙之星 |
超級滿天星 |
黑武將 |
天王星 |
頂尖之星 |
台灣紅之星 |
美雲 |
帝王星 |
日出之星 |
超級圓滿意 |
美雲 2 |
玉芙蓉 |
台灣美人 |
國色天香 |
神奇 |
流星雨 |
哈利波特 |
月光仙子 |
超群 |
黑武士 |
風格之星 |
夢中人 |
滿月圓 |
有夢最美 |
大圓滿 |
相思夢 |
紅色火花 |
If you want to link our Facebook. Please click! Skillful Hand Garden 2024 Seeds New Price List Please click!
要求轉載網站內容、服務或請求其他利用,請E-mail到 adenium@adenium.com.tw